Road congress in Finland

An important road congress in Finland is coming soon.
Highway & Network Management / September 13, 2021 25 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
And important Road Congress is being planned for Finland in early 2022
An important international Road Congress is being planned for 2022 that will be held in Finland’s second city, Tampere. The event will be run at the Tampere Exhibition Center from 9-10 February 2022. It will be attended by a wide range of industry professionals. These will include experts, authorities, equipment and system manufacturers, service developers, researchers, auditors, procurement decision makers, product developers, municipal technical and street experts, contractors and consultants. 

According to the event organisers participants in the congress will be united by the need to address issues in road maintenance and traffic-related tasks in all kinds of conditions. The Road Congress offers an exhibition related to road maintenance, two international seminar sessions other side seminars and work demonstration.

Papers will be presented by industry professionals on a series of topics including road safety, traffic management and road maintenance.