Construction work for an improved road link connecting Algeria and Mauritania is due to commence. The 773km road link will improve transport between Tindouf in Algeria and Zoerate in Mauritania.
The 75km stretch of the route running through Algeria has already been completed. Work on the border posts will be complete in 2023. Studies will be carried out for the remainder of the route. Whether the alignment will skirt the most direct route via the disputed Western Sahara territory and remain within Algerian and Mauritanian territory has yet to be revealed.
Tindouf is located in South West Algeria, close to the country’s borders with Mauritania, Morocco and the disputed Western Sahara territory. Zoerate meanwhile is the largest city in Northern Mauritania.
Financing for the project is being provided by Algeria and an Algerian company will also handle the 10-year concession package for the route.
The project is one of several important works that will boost connectivity and international transport and trade for North Africa and West Africa.